New patients. Telehealth. Freedom.

Please note Dr. Irina practices via telemedicine only. The patient must be physically located in the state where Dr. Irina is licensed (AZ, CA, ID, WA) at the time of each visit.

Dr. Irina believes each person is an individual with their unique nature and creates individualized protocols based on your history, labs, energetic testing, sensitivity level, commitment to healing and learning about your body, and many other individual factors. Since true healing can only begin once you are ready to take an active role in your healthcare, Dr. Irina views her role as a guide to collaborate and support you on your healing journey.

New Patient Appointments:

New patient visits start with a 30 minute video consultation to gather and review medical history, lab work and imaging studies. This is followed by 60 minutes of Autonomic Response Testing (ART), and wrap up with a 30 minute video call to review the results and proposed treatment plan. IMAET assessment scan and treatment is also included.

New patient visits typically range from 90 minutes to 2 hours or more, depending on the complexity.

Follow-Up Appointments:

Follow up visits consist of a consultation to check in, Autonomic Response Testing (ART), and review of the results and proposed treatment plan. IMAET assessment scan and treatment may also be included.

Follow up visits are typically 75-90 minutes, depending on how much check-in time the patient needs in addition to the 60 minutes needed to complete Autonomic Response Testing (ART). Shorter visits are available for review of lab results or extra support in between visits. Longer appointment may be needed for complex cases or for extra questions and support.

When starting treatment, it is generally helpful to follow up every 4-6 weeks to address the different layers as they come up. Once the person is more stable follow ups can be extended out.


Dr. Strelyuk’s fee is $300 per hour. Visits are billed at the hourly rate in 15-minute increments, which round up. The cost of therapies, labs, supplements, or medication is not included in the hourly fee. Work time outside the appointment such as lab review, charting, letter writing, etc is charged at the same hourly rate.


Dr. Strelyuk does not accept insurance.